Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stupid analogy

Academic career : health care

Straight out of high school into a four year university, one learns a braod spectrum of academics, culminating in a degree which does little use. The person does little with their life, but eventually finds a stable situation that allows them to exist in this world till their body passes away.
Person goes straight to hospital sick, where doctors administer broad spectrum antibiotics. The person recieves other care occasionally, but is other stable. Little suffering is felt and the person lives their life.

A person leaves high scholl and piece meals education. A significant degree is attempted but forgotten. The person then tries out several different elements of life and education. Eventually a career or at least a steady way of life is found, where the person feels fulfilled and alive.
A person heads to a hospital sick. There a cure is tried but fails. Several alternative ways are attempted, some modern some natural. Eventually a solution is found that allows the person to live their life, after much suffering. The person is grateful to be alive.

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